Emerging from an absolute breakdown:
The development of I.C.T cannot occur without the involvement of the private sector. Most I.C.T firms focus on serving urban centres whereas bigger percentage of the population is in sparsely populated rural areas. Enticing the private sector to broaden their target markets will need Government’s support to make it economically viable to invest in small and dispersed markets. At the same time our country needs to move from being mere consumers of the technology to the processes of being designers and manufacturers of I.C.T. This will also require independent support strategy as Outreach Zimbabwe. As far as Government support is concerned. Whilst a good number of schools benefited from the presidential I.C.T program and others are slowly computerizing there is still a big challenge in as far as the full utilization of those computers is concerned. There is therefore, great need for connectivity, professional I.T support services to assist them to fully realize the benefits that come with I.C.T. Due to lack of mechanisms to maintain and service the machines as well as lack of capacity some of the schools are not fully benefiting from their computerization initiatives. This state of affairs that played down the attainment of the Millennium Development Goal in the development of education and its aftermath has prompted our multi-sectorial response through the creation of Outreach Zimbabwe in hastening the rebuilding process of the I.C.T in education system.
Breaking the Ice:
There is need of a comprehensive structure for the School Development Committees to network and articulate developmental strategies with a collective drive. No structures where committees of schools in the same neighborhoods can group and share ideas on developmental strategies. There is need for schools to network with communities to participate in developing their schools collectively in order to scale down on misdirected efforts, failures and costs in the implementation of developmental strategies.We believe networking will provide a solid ground and platform for the devising of workable strategies for tackling common obstacles hindering the development of their institutions. We have chosen to break the Ice and set up the first ever comprehensive network for schools.
The capacity pool:
The capacity of schools to articulate and achieve significant development has been eroded by the harsh economic setting that we are emerging from and a general system incompetency that resulted from loop holes that come with such a setting of a lose economy. It is in such a scenario that a pool of capacitors like the free transfer of skills, free professional services, training and funding accessible to all schools through a collective network like Outreach Zimbabwe is integral to a quicker attainment of sustainable development of education.
Bridging the divide:
There is always been a great divide between urban and rural settings of any especially under-developed society. The existing socio-economic gap depicts a big range on how each of two settings accesses and appreciates developmental vehicles like technology and education Override Poverty restrictions.
Eliminating boundaries/Web based networking:
To a great extent development in schools has been barred by accessibility complexities. General observation has it that schools furthest from developed service centres are the least developed. It is an open position that does not need telescopic scrutiny to observe that distance plays down on logistics for development. Poor transfer of vital information and other costs that come with accessibility problems have given rise to the major part of the lag in development that haunts many rural schools. We therefore, in a bid to override these and such boundaries militating against the development of schools intend to establish Outreach as a boundary free internet based network.
From People to Pupils:
Governments have always here and elsewhere in Africa not been able to meet minimal support requirements of the pupil due to the ‘scarcity’ of resources with the shortfall expected to be met by parents and the community (The School Development Committees [S.D.Cs]) However the SDCs’ capacity in their individual respect in our Zimbabwean case is running short of the required support expected of them. In any case of scarce resources a proper allocation strategy like Outreach zimbabwe that of channels the resources into a well-connected ‘From People to Pupils’ network, would stride towards satisfying the support requirements of our education system .Encouraging community participation is very vital in enhancing the delivery of significant institutional development as it cultivates a sense of ownership in development processes and promotes more of use than abuse of the products of development. If religiously employed as we intend the ‘From People to Pupils’ ideology should see the gradual adoption of school programs by communities and the multi-sectorial stakeholders. We will always encourage and support the mobilisation of resource materials and services for or on behalf of schools by the multi-sector.
Culture of Best Practices:
The great demand for sustainable development in public institutions has necessitated the creation of a platform for discussion of ideal strategies for the achievement of optimum sustenance. Such a platform networking schools at a national level as Outreach Zimbabwe ensures the adaption of only the best strategies and ethics in cultivating and achieving sustainable development and creates loop hole free systems, free of such obstacles as corruption and unproductive spending. The promotion and support of a culture of best practices forming a crucial component of our scope injects an eternal dose of efficiency in to the system providing a cushion of competence that is crucial for the development of education in its total quality.